Stuck at home in lockdown.
What does that mean for us ..all?
Those of us lucky enough to live in the country, is isolating like for everyone, but we have the luxury of long vistas, abundant open space full of flourishing wildlife and birdsong.
How about the suburbs? Can’t say with direct experience, but family and friends comments are, “crammed together”, rear garden quite small for the kids to play, front garden too small for anything, tricky to stay 2m from the boundary - no where to work.
Inner cities, some lovey tenemental flats in Glasgow for example, with enormous rooms and very high ceilings, tall bright windows, are palacious compared to many modern flats, ‘lofts’ and social housing. Without space inside, many desperately need and crave space outside, the little external balcony and or deck access much derided by some planners, are a god send now, that little break space is a tonic, a haven for momentary peace in the onslaught of coping with pandemic living pressures.
Community, interaction, personal space, cost of living.
What is the motivation, that the pandemic has uncovered as created flawed residences,that must be corrected when WE get to emerge from this lockdown.
Energy costs, electricity usage when a house of 5 are all online. Elderly and lone living, how can they interact and keep in touch.
Home work, the genie is out the bottle now. Schooling and jobs, the way it was will not be the way it will be.
Economic damage, personal, business, employment, travel house values, investments, pensions- for how many years.
Modern housing in general is a failure. The gluttony of the few volume builders, private and housing associations (yes that is what they are), do not really put the end user first. They follow the same old same old approach, with some modern buzz phrases and innovative processes...generally is still new lipstick on the same old pig!
What is housing? What does it mean to own a house, news to many I am sure - its not your biggest asset, most likely it’s your biggest liability.
What does it mean to ‘have to’rent your home?
Follow the money, it is shocking.
So, a new dawn approaches. We will be hurting, many will be devastated, a few will be proudly bottom feeding to only further line their own miserly pockets.